YEMA - Young Europeans on the move by active teaching and learning

erasmusYEMA - Young Europeans on the move by active learning and teaching is a project based on the exchange of innovative teaching and learning methods to facilitate our students' approach to natural sciences and mathematics. With the implementation of YEMA we want to produce a change by bringing action and movement into the classrooms of our schools. On the one hand the change is aiming at all participants' approaches towards learning and teaching and on the other hand it is aiming at their attitude towards their environment in a local, regional and European context. With this project we want to achieve the following objectives:
- raising our students' interest in mathematics and sciences
- raising their environmental awareness regarding the resources soil, water, air
- increasing awareness of healthy lifestyle and sustainable behaviour
- promoting ICT skills in everyday school activities
- implementing interdisciplinar teaching (open classroom)
- gaining well-founded knwoldge about jobs/vocational training in the environmental sector
- improvement of English language and presentation skills
For us, teachers YEMA provides a change, too as we gain new experiences in teaching methods . Each school brings its own expert method into the project: Inquiry based learning and tutoring (Latvia), learning with models and school outside (Slovenia), free activity, project-based learning (Germany), activity-oriented teaching (Portugal and Poland). Working in international teams also adds new perspectives to our work and trains our intercultural abilities.

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